
Tourist Cats NFT

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Tourist Cats NFT

Buyback and Burning on VT Token With Tourist Cat NFTs

50% of the revenue from the Tourist Cats NFT series will be burned by purchasing VT tokens from the exchanges at the market price.

Royalty free burn: Tourist Cats Nfts will contribute to the rise of the VT token as they are bought and sold in the marketplace!

50% of the royalty fee income, which is 5%, will be regularly used to buy VT from the market every month and burn it.

For example, every time there is a trading volume of $1 million in the second hand market of NFTs, $ 25,000 VT tokens will be bought from the market and burned.

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Tourist Cats NFT nedir?

Tourist Cats NFT Virtual Tourist VT Token sahipleri için oluşturulmuş bir NFT projesidir

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